Tiger 21 Introduces New Co-Chair
MONTREAL, May 7, 2013
TIGER 21, the premier peer-to-peer learning group for high-net-worth investors in North America, today introduced its
Co-Chair of the Montreal chapter, which
serves Québec and eastern Ontario.
The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21(st) Century (TIGER
21) is a unique learning network for high-net-worth investors. TIGER
21's 208 current Members collectively manage about $19 billion. Members
are typically entrepreneurs, executives and investors. Financial
qualification for membership is a minimum $10 million in investible
TIGER 21 is focused on improving investment acumen, wealth
preservation, estate planning and family dynamics. TIGER 21 offers an
environment of discretion and utmost confidentiality, and a forum that
facilitates candid peer-to-peer discussion of complex and potentially
sensitive issues, including the stewardship of high levels of wealth.
As Co-Chair of the Montreal chapter, John Koloda's primary objective
is to build his regional membership, further advance the TIGER 21 vision
and act as lead facilitator for Group meetings.
"I am proud to be representing TIGER 21 in Québec and eastern
Ontario," says John Koloda, Co-Chair, Montreal Chapter, TIGER 21. "The
Montreal chapter was inaugurated just over a year ago, under Michele
Desjardins' stewardship, and we continue to develop our Group by meeting
with highly-qualified prospective Members locally. This organization
provides an unprecedented opportunity for high-net-worth individuals to
come together to share knowledge and insight into their investments,
finances and numerous aspects of their family lives, all within a safe
harbor environment. It is a unique community where business partnerships
and personal friendships are encouraged in an environment of respect
and complete confidentiality. I look forward to advancing the TIGER 21
vision across the region, to meeting numerous exceptional individuals
and to facilitating dynamic Group meetings each month."
John Koloda is the founder of KolodaCORE, a consulting boutique
specialized in sales and leadership training for industries including:
pharmaceuticals, mining and banking. Previously in his career, Mr.
Koloda was an executive in the financial services sector, holding senior
management positions with Great-West Life and London Life. John holds a
B.Comm in Finance and Management Policy from McGill, and CFP, CHFC, CLU
and RHU designations. Actively engaged in the community, John Koloda is
a past Board member of Harold Napper School and supporter of Accueil
Bonneau (a homeless shelter) and Fondation Jean Lapointe (substance
abuse awareness).
"We are delighted to welcome John to the TIGER 21 Chair team,"
continues Thane Stenner, Managing Director, Canada, TIGER 21. "John
Koloda possesses an ideal blend of expertise in finance and investing, a
great network of relationships in the business community and a clear
commitment to organizations and causes that impact the lives of people
in the greater Montreal area."
"The continued growth of TIGER 21 across North America is a source of
pride to all involved," adds Jonathan Kempner, President, TIGER 21.
"Thane Stenner has done an exceptional job of driving growth across
Canada. Today, about 20 percent of our Members are Canadian, which is
particularly impressive considering we have only been active in the
country for two years. I look forward to working with John Koloda and
welcoming new Members from the latest addition to TIGER 21, our Montreal
About TIGER 21
The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21(st) Century (TIGER
21) is North America's premier peer-to-peer learning network for high
net worth investors. TIGER 21's 208 current Members collectively manage
more than $19 billion in investable assets and are entrepreneurs,
investors and top executives. TIGER 21 focuses on improving investment
acumen and exploring common issues of wealth preservation, estate
planning and family dynamics beyond finance. Founded in 1999, TIGER 21
is headquartered in New York City and has Groups in New York City, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, Washington DC, Dallas,
Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary and Montreal. For more information, please
visit www.tiger21.com.